We are open to visitors throughout the year. Since the mosque was established, it has become a focal point for the Muslim community. We accommodate for our ever-growing community by providing adequate prayer space, providing for our youth and women. Over the years, both Muslims and non-Muslims have used this mosque’s premises for events such as meetings, lectures, studies, for community and educational purposes.
FIRST JAMAAT: 12.40 pm
For any inquiries please email the Masjid at enquiry@masjidusman.org.uk
To donate towards Masjid as Sadaqah Jariyyah
Set up a standing order or for one-off donations
Masjid e Usman (Capehill Muslim Society)
Account Number: 31743945
Sortcode: 40-11-13
Ref: Donation
Ramadhan will start on: ______March 2025. Taraweeh starts after Isha (8pm).
Isha & Taraweeh spaces are available for brothers & sisters.
The ‘Night of Deliverance’ is on the fifteenth day of the month of Sha’ban and it is during this blessed night when people are forgiven by Allah. It is for this reason that the night is called ‘The night of Baraa’at’ (the night in which judgement of salvation from Jahannam and punishment is passed).
However, one should bear in mind that despite there being a number of Ahadith declaring the virtue of this month; they are in actual fact weak. Nevertheless, the virtues of this night are regarded as being authentic due to the sheer number of narrations and this is the general view of scholars. It is narrated from Abdullah Ibn Amr (RA) that the Prophet of Allah (saw) said: “Allah looks with special attention towards His creation on the fifteenth night of Sha’baan and forgives all his servants except two categories of people; the person who hates others, and a murderer.” It has been proven that this night holds a certain importance, and we should aim to spend some time on this night worshipping Allah, and asking Him for a good future. While it is not firmly established that the Prophet (saw) fasted on this night due to it being Laylatul Baraa’at, it is well known that he would fast for the middle three days of the month, i.e. the 13th, 14th and 15th. If one fasts on this night to fulfil a Sunnah and coincide with this night’s blessing, it would be very worthwhile and more rewarding Inshallah.
SATURDAY 22nd FEBRUARY 2025 After ISHA (8pm)
For Brothers & Sisters
SISTERS EVENT 19th FEBRUARY 2025 AT 11am – 12pm
Term- time only
(2024 admissions are complete)
OPEN DAY 7th SEPTEMBER 2025 11.30am (Admissions for 2024 are complete)
A course focused on the needs of youth. Lessons covering Quran, Tafseer, Fiqh, Manners, this course provides mentoring for young men & women in coping with the difficulties they face maturing in today’s society, whether in school, college or at home. Separate classes for boys & girls.
SATURDAYS 11.15am to 1.15pm ~ new classes starting in September 2025 ~ REGISTER NOW AT THE MASJID